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Top 5 tips driving traffic to your ecommerce website

August 30, 20237 min read

Top 5 tips driving traffic to your ecommerce website

Why Driving Traffic to Your Site is Important

It’s no secret that traffic is the lifeblood of any eCommerce website. If you can’t get people to visit your site, you won’t make any sales. But just because driving traffic is important, doesn’t mean it’s always easy. There are a lot of various tips and tricks to increase your traffic such as building backlinks, influencers, blog posts, etc. In this article, we’ll mainly focus on the paid advertising aspect of driving traffic to your site since this is the most “easy” and fastest way to see results and see traffic coming to your website.

Before we jump into the tips, we want to share some reasons why it is important to get as many people to your website as possible.

1. The more traffic you have, the more opportunities you have to generate sales from visitors.

2. Traffic can also be used as a measure of success. The number of people visiting your site can give you an indication of how well your site is doing and how popular it is. Base yourself on the number of people purchasing your product as well as checking KPIs such as Add to Cart. These metrics give a good indication of how well your site is performing. (But that’s a whole different blog post)

3. Traffic generates valuable data that you are able to use to optimize not only your site but also your paid ads, certainly now post IOS14.

Now that you know the value of driving traffic to your website, here are some tips to increase traffic.

Tip 1: Use Social Media

Social media

Social media is one of the most powerful tools you can use to drive traffic to your eCommerce website. With billions of people using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok every day, there’s a huge potential audience for your business.

Use social media platforms to share your organic content. If you have great content on your eCommerce website, make sure to share it on social media! Share blog posts, product images, and anything else that you think would be of interest to your target audience. Make sure you create videos and photos. A combination of both is always recommended and if one post is performing better than another one, don’t hesitate to boost them via ads, but boost them via the Ads Manager, NEVER click the blue “boost button”.

Collaborate with influencers within your niche, ask them to create content with your product, and post them on your own social media and on theirs. But make sure you have a good contract with them!

Ask them to create videos as well or hire a UGC content creator. UGC (= User Generate Content) is content that a user of your product would make, it can go from unboxing videos to videos about the use of the product or the benefit of your product. These types of videos work amazingly on TikTok and Instagram Reels.

Tip 2: Use Search Engine Optimization

If you’re not using search engine optimization (SEO) to drive traffic to your eCommerce website, you’re missing out on a valuable opportunity. SEO can help your website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), making it more likely that potential customers will find you organically and click through to your site.

Make sure you do keyword research before starting out. Identify the keywords and phrases that potential customers are using to search for products like yours, and make sure those keywords are included in your website content (product descriptions, metadata, landing pages, page titles on Google).

Optimize your product pages and implement the keywords you found via your keyword research. In addition to including relevant keywords, your product pages should also be well-written and user-friendly, with clear and concise descriptions and high-quality product photos. The important thing here is to make it Clear and Concise, a 5th grader needs to understand what you are trying to sell. Use bullet points where you can, people tend to skim, just like you did in this article 😉.

As we mentioned in the beginning, build backlinks. Make sure your website is linked to other relevant websites, this builds authority on Google and helps you with your SEO.

Tip 3: Advertise Your Products

As you can see there are a number of ways to drive traffic to your eCommerce website, but one of the most effective is advertising. By advertising your products on Meta, TikTok, and Search Engines, you can attract potential customers who are looking for what you have to offer and reach people who have already visited your website (retargeting).

To get started, create a solid advertising strategy. Write down your budgets, which channels are your customers active on (this is an important one), and use these channels to start. What tone of voice do you want to use on the platforms, what benefits does your product have, and what can it do for your prospect. People want to know what it can do for them, they don’t care about the features only about the benefits it brings to them.

If you need any help with this, don’t hesitate to plan a call with our CEO and we can do this all for you!

Once you’ve created your ads, make sure to track their performance so you can fine-tune your campaigns over time. Regularly monitoring your results will help you maximize your return on investment and ensure that your advertising budget is well spent.

Tip 4: Use Email Marketing & SMS Marketing

email marekting

Email Marketing is a good alternative to Paid Advertising, as long as you have enough leads/emails. This can be done by building a list of subscribers via either lead gen ads or by using emails from existing customers. Use these emails to send out regular newsletters, and keep your (potential) customers informed about new products, special offers, and other news from your store.

Make sure your emails are well-designed and engaging. No one wants to read a boring email full of text. Include images, infographics, and even videos to break up the text and make your emails more visually appealing. You can even add a TLDR at the beginning of your email.

Use an attention-grabbing subject line. Your subject line is what will determine whether or not someone opens your email, so make it count! Keep it short and sweet, and include a Call-to-Action (CTA) that entices the reader to click through to your website.

One super important tip that a lot of people forget and could cost you an insane amount of $$$. Always use UTM Parameters in your emails and the links in your email.

Tip 5: Make sure Your Website is User Friendly

A user-friendly website is key to driving traffic and keeping customers engaged. Always make sure your website is mobile-friendly, more than 80% of traffic comes from mobile devices. On top of that platforms like Meta and Google take mobile-friendliness into account when you run ads. If you’re website sucks in mobile formats, your ads will be penalized and worst of all your customers won’t buy from you.

So how can you improve the User Friendliness of your site?

1. Use clear and concise language– visitors should be able to understand what you’re offering without having to think.

2. Avoid long, drawn-out paragraphs– keep your content easy to scan by breaking it up into shorter chunks.

3. Utilize strong calls to action– tell visitors what you want them to do, whether it’s signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.

4. Include customer testimonials– social proof can be helpful in convincing visitors to convert.

5. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly– more and more people are accessing the internet from their phones, so it’s important that your site can be viewed on a smaller screen.


Et voila these are some tips that you can implement to make sure you get more traffic to your site. If your ads are getting a low CTR on Facebook, make sure to check your visuals and try to make them more appealing. Also, check if there are no issues when clicking on the ad such as cookie banners or lack of mobile-friendliness.

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