Facebook Post boost

Facebook post boost vs boosting a post via facebook ads manager

August 30, 20233 min read

Facebook post boost vs boosting a post via facebook ads manager

What is Facebook Post Boosts and Boosting via Facebook Ads Manager?

As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to get your products and services in front of more people. You want to reach a larger audience and grow your customer base. And one “quick” way you can do that is by boosting your posts on Facebook.

When you boost a post, it means you’re putting a small budget behind it so it can be seen by more people. Facebook will then show your post to people who are more likely to be interested in what you have to say. For example your social following or your website visitors.

There are two ways to boost a post on Facebook: through the “Big Blue Boost Post Button”, or through the “Ads Manager”.

Each of these methods has its pros and cons, which we will discuss in this article. Make sure to read the whole post, if you don’t you might lose a lot of money $$$.

The Pros and Cons of Post Boost via the Big Blue Button.

If you boost a post using the “Boost Post button”, Facebook will automatically create an ad for you based on your goals (such as increasing brand awareness or getting more people to click on your website).

Post Boosts are a quick and easy way to boost a post. You just got to hit the “Big Blue Button” at the side of your post on either Facebook or Instagram.

The nice thing about this is that you are able to boost a post within seconds if you notice that the post is doing better than other posts (more reach, likes, etc).

On the flip side, it won’t give you as much control over who sees your boosted post. Your targeting options are limited to just a few options.

You’re also not able to optimize your ad to the full extent. Facebook takes over most of the optimization of the boost. The Facebook algorithm is designed to find the least expensive possible way to advertise and this may affect the potency and results of your overall advertising campaigns.

The Pros and Cons of Boosting a Post via Facebook Ads Manager

On the one hand, Boosting a post through Ads Manager gives you more control over who sees your boosted post. You can target specific demographics, interests, and even behaviors. It gives you more control over the outcome of the ad, you’re able to choose the optimization action of Facebook. So you can choose to optimize for conversions rather than only traffic or reach. Which provides better results.

On the other hand, Boosting a post through Ads Manager can be more expensive than simply boosting a post from your page. This is because you are able to set your own budget.

And of course, it can be more time-consuming to set up a post boost in the Ads Manager. You’ll have to go through every single step from targeting to post selection while clicking on the Big Blue Button you’re 90% done.

If you’re looking to boost a post on Facebook, weigh the pros and cons of doing it through Ads Manager before making your decision.

Which is Better for Your Business?

Here at Chipper we never use the Boost Option since it comes with more limitations than benefits. That said we would recommend you also boost a post via ads manager. The optimization is better, the targeting is better, and most important you are able to use the conversion objective which drives more relevant people to your website who are likely to convert.

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