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7 b2b lead generation tactics

August 30, 20238 min read

7 b2b lead generation tactics

Why B2B lead generation is important

B2B lead generation is the process of acquiring and qualifying potential customers for a business’s products or services. It is an important part of the sales process and can be essential for businesses to find new customers and grow their revenue.

There are many different ways to generate leads, but some common methods include online marketing, networking, and cold calling. The most effective lead generation tactics will vary depending on the business and its target market.

However, all businesses can benefit from utilizing B2B lead generation techniques. By generating more leads, businesses have a better chance of finding new customers and increasing their sales. Additionally, lead generation can help businesses build relationships with potential customers and create a pipeline of qualified prospects.

Here are 7 tactics that you are able to implement to generate quality leads so you can grow your sales pipeline.

Tactic #1: Creating a strong value proposition/offer

A strong value proposition is key to attracting attention and generating leads for your business. Here are some guidelines when you are creating a strong value proposition:

1. Keep it clear and concise. Your value proposition should be immediately clear to anyone who reads it. Avoid using jargon or complex language – you want to be able to communicate your message quickly and effectively.

2. Focus on the customer. Your value proposition should be all about the customer and what they stand to gain from working with you. What pain points are you solving? What needs are you meeting?

3. Make it unique. There’s a lot of competition out there, so you need to make sure your value proposition stands out from the rest. What makes your business different? Why should someone choose you over someone else?

4. Be realistic. One of the most important things customers are looking for nowadays is trust. So make sure you deliver on your promises.

Tactic #2: Identifying your target audience

One of the most important aspects of lead generation is identifying your target audience. Without knowing who you’re trying to reach, it will be difficult to generate leads that are interested in your product or service.

There are a few ways to go about finding your target audience. First, you can look at your existing customer base and try to identify common characteristics. This can be anything from age and location to income level and interests.

Another way to identify your target audience is to look at your competition. See who they’re targeting and try to reach a similar audience. You can also use tools like Google AdWords and Google Trends to see who’s searching for terms related to your product or service.

Once you’ve identified your target audience, you can start creating content that appeals to them.

Tactic #3: Creating compelling content

Most businesses know that content is important. But when it comes to B2B lead generation, creating content that is compelling and entertaining enough to generate leads can be a challenge. Here are a few tips to create content that will help you generate leads:

1. Write for your audience – Know who you are writing for and what type of information they are looking for. (if you identified your target audience, then this should be easy) This will help you create content that is relevant and useful to them. Make sure you use the same language as they are using.

2. Make it easy to read – Keep your paragraphs short and use bullet points when possible. This will make your content easier to scan and more likely to hold your reader’s attention. On top of that use language that your target audience is using, this will make sure that they understand everything and that they know you’re aware of their situation.

3. Use strong headlines – A great headline will make people want to read your article or blog post. Spend some time coming up with a catchy headline that accurately reflects the content of your article.

“On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”

David Ogilvy

Tactic #4: Leveraging social media

Social media is one of the most powerful tools that businesses have at their disposal. It has never been easier to reach a million people at the cost of a penny. When used correctly, social media can be a powerful tool for generating leads.

Use social media to create a solid online presence. Make sure your business is active on the major social media platforms, and that your content is engaging and relevant. Use various new platforms/placements, and think about using video formats. Instagram is pushing their Reels to fight of TikTok, which gives you a lot of reach organically. Video is becoming the most important format that people are consuming, thanks to the broad bandwidth of the internet.

Use the power of targeted ads on social media. You can target all of your potential customers with ads on social media platforms like Meta, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, and much more. This can be an effective way to generate leads if you use it smartly and target the right people. If you need help advertising on social media, don’t hesitate to contact us or book a call.

Social media is a good organic way to build relationships with your prospects and clients. Do not only use social media to sell your products or services but also use it to build relationships with potential customers. This will help you generate leads that are more likely to convert into sales and build relationships to increase the lifetime value of a customer.

Tactic #5: Using pay-per-click advertising

The fifth tactic for generating leads is using pay-per-click advertising. This method can be effective if used correctly, but it can also be expensive. You need to carefully select your keywords and create ads that are relevant to your target audience. If done properly, pay-per-click advertising can be a fast and easy way to generate leads for your business.

It’s an amazing way to reach your prospects at the right time, since it is focused on “search and buyers intent”. This way your ads can appear at the moment a prospect looks for your business. Your ad shows up, they click on it and convert. Bingo.

Tactic #6: Creating a lead magnet

Pair this tactic with the previous two tactics and you have the ability to sit on top of a gold mine.

What’s a lead magnet you may ask?

A lead magnet is a piece of content that is designed to capture the attention of your target audience and persuade them to sign up for your email list. The most effective lead magnets are those that offer something valuable in exchange for an email address.

At Chipper, we call this an HVCO (High Valuable Content Offer). Some common types of lead magnets include ebooks, white papers, checklists, and templates. To create an effective lead magnet, you need to first identify what your target audience wants or needs. Once you know what they’re looking for, you can create a piece of content that provides value and solves that exact problem. If you want to know more about the use, just book a call and we’ll go over it

Your lead magnet should be accessible on your website or blog so that potential subscribers can easily find it and sign up for your list. You can promote your lead magnet through social media, guest blogging, or other marketing channels. If you advertise your HVCO, make sure you make a separate landing page for it so you can track everything perfectly

Tactic #7: Hosting a free webinar

By hosting a free webinar, you can attract new potential customers and show them what your business has to offer, and show them that you are the real deal.

Make sure you choose a topic that is relevant to you and your target audience. Talk about the things you know, this should be obvious but stick to it. Your webinar should be informative and provide value to your attendees.

To gain traction on your webinar you’re able to promote it through various channels, such as social media, email marketing, and organic content. Make sure potential attendees know when and where to sign up. (capture their emails!)

Have a clear call-to-action at the end of your webinar. Attendees should know what you want them to do next, whether it’s signing up for your newsletter or taking advantage of a special offer.

Which tactic will work best for you?

Once you’ve decided on your lead generation tactics, it’s time to put them into action. But how do you know which tactic will work best for you?

There’s no magic formula, but there are a few things to keep in mind as you experiment with different approaches. First, consider your buyer persona and what they’re looking for at each stage of the buying process. Then, think about what type of content will be most helpful to them. Finally, test different tactics and track your results so you can see what’s working and adjust accordingly.

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